Home Products Molecular Crystal Model sets Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Model No: XCM-008
Product Name: Ionic Crystal Model Cesium Chloride(CsCl)
Atoms Dia.(mm) Holes Color Qty
chloirde(Cl) 25 14 green 8
Cesium(Cs) 25 14 red 27
Links Length(mm) N/A Color Qty
middle 41 N/A gray 64
short 33 N/A gray 54
Small ABS Box(23.5cm*17cm*3.5cm)
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The Ionic Crystal Model of Cesium Chloride(CsCl).
including 8 green chloirde atoms and 27 red cesium atoms, 64 gray middle bonds and 54 gray short bonds..
Model Size: 18cm * 18cm * 18cm

XCM-010:Crystal structure model Cesium Chloride(CsCl)
XCM-010:Crystal structure model Cesium Chloride(CsCl)
XCM-010:Crystal structure model Cesium Chloride(CsCl)
XCM-008: Ionic Crystal Model Cesium Chloride(CsCl)